In a bid to forestall all forms of disruption and break down of law and order before, during and after the Easter celebration; the Rivers State Commandant of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps, Michael Besong Ogar _fcai_. has deployed 1588 personnel to Safeguard all Critical National Assets and Infrastructure as well as to protect lives and property of citizens in Rivers State.

While briefing the officers and men at the NSCDC Command Headquarters in Port Harcourt, Commandant Ogar charged the personnel on the need to discharge their duties with utmost readiness, diligence and professionalism; he noted that the general public has unbiased expectations in the NSCDC and as such the Personnel must justify the existence of the Corps in safeguarding the oil pipelines through lands and waterways, protect the telecommunication gadgets, electrical power installation and all Infrastructure in the State.

“The Commandant General, Dr Ahmed Abubakar Audi mni OFR has ordered that all formations must deploy both foot soldiers and tactical squads massively to ensure a peaceful easter celebration; In swift response to this directive I charge you all to be discreet and discipline in your disposition remembering that accidental discharge in not in NSCDC security manual”.

“There should be no Infringement on the fundamental human rights of citizens rather with all alertness you are to effect the arrest of vandals, miscreants and unscrupulous elements who might want to take advantage of the festive season to perpetrate their nefarious dealings”.

The Rivers State Commandant further express the readiness of the Command to strengthen collaborations with all Sister Security Agencies, the Traditional and Religious Institutions amongst others in the fight against Vandalism of oil pipelines, cultism, advanced free fraud, Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) and other social vices often perpetrated during festivities.

“As I further charge you to be more resilient, determined and committed to the Corps statutory duties; you must desist from any behavior that is unbecoming of a public servant. Let me reiterate that, it is mandatory for you to synergize with other security agencies to enhance our operations as no agency has the monopoly of knowledge. Be aware that prompt Intelligence gathering is very vital especially as we have already identified some notable flash points; therefore, It behoves you to ensure that surveillance and security attention be given to public gatherings, Churches, Mosques, Recreation centers, Shopping malls and motor parks within and outside the Port Harcourt metropolis”.

Ogar said that the deployed personnel were drawn from the Command Antivandal Squad, Marine Forces, Counter Terrorism Unit (CTU), Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT), Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Explosive Unit (CBRNE), Intelligence Team and the Rapid Respond Squad. He affirmed that they have all been properly briefed and in case of emergencies the public could contact the following lines to relay credible information : 0703 486 7055, 0803 760 8990, 08067919140

While wishing the good people of Rivers State a happy Easter celebration; Commandant Ogar gave assurances of a peaceful festive season as he advised Parents and Guardians to refrain their children from causing unrest because criminal minded persons would be arrested and made to face the full wrath of the law.


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