
The 2024 Edo state off cycle Governorship Election is not merely a procedural formality but another template to uphold the sanctity of the electoral process. It is the critical role that each member of society – from voters to electoral officials, security agencies to civil society organizations – plays in fortifying the foundation of our democracy. This is the seventh Governorship Election conducted by INEC since 1999, and each election has recorded violence. While the trend of electoral violence has significantly moved from the polling unit to the collation centres, especially with the introduction of Bimodal Verification Accreditation System (BVAS) that greatly reduced tampering with the polling unit results, effectiveness in election security management cannot be over-emphasized.

Since 2007, CLEEN Foundation has been carrying out election security management interventions with three objectives- (a) to identify and mitigate risk factors that could lead to violence during elections; (b) to identify actors and actions that could lead to violence; (c) to proffer actionable recommendations that contribute in mitigating identified threats and (d) observe the conduct of security personnel deployed to secure the elections. The intervention includes – the conduct of Pre-Election Security Threat assessment, training of security personnel, recruitment, accreditation, training and deployment of observers and observation of the conduct of security personnel during the election to assess their performance in accordance with extant laws, frameworks and code of conduct for security personnel on election duty.

The Nigeria Police Force as the lead agency of the Inter-Agency Consultative Committee on Election Security (ICCES) deployed a total of 35,000 personnel, the Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps (NSCDC) deployed a total of 6,433 personnel and other security agencies including the military deployed a total of 8,000 personnel making it a total of 49,433 security personnel deployed to secure the 2024 Governorship Election in Edo State. CLEEN Foundation deployed her observers across the 18 LGAs of the state to observe the conduct of these security personnel on election duty.

CLEEN Foundation Election Security Support Centre (ESSC) was opened early on Saturday 21st September 2024 and observed the conduct of security personnel deployed for the Edo State Governorship election through her field stationary observers across the 18 Local Government Areas in Edo state. The observers were trained, deployed and equipped with a standardized electronic checklist to assess the compliance of the conduct of security personnel against the standard code of conduct expected of them. This report covers CLEEN Foundation observations from the opening of the ballot process to midday on Election Day. CLEEN Foundation tracked security-related developments across the state which was reported in real-time by her observers using technological mechanisms. Other information related to election security was tracked through credible sources and CLEEN Foundation social media platforms. The interim report highlights the following findings:

Early Arrival of Security Personnel:
The data from the CLEEN Foundation Election Security Support Centre indicates that most security personnel arrived at the polling unit before the official commencement of poll at 8:30am. In some polling units, the security personnel were seen waiting for the arrival of the INEC officials. In Osemwede polling unit, ward 09, Ikpoba-Okha LGA, security personnel arrived before 8:30am without the INEC officials who arrived late. This is commendable for the security agencies and should be sustained.

Identification of Security Personnel:
CLEEN Foundation Election Security Support Centre available data indicates that most law enforcement personnel securing the election were wearing easily identifiable name tags as reported by the field stationary observers. In PU 03, Ward 04 in Igueben LGA security personnel were seen wearing easily identifiable name tags.

Impartiality of Security Personnel
The security personnel have not demonstrated any partiality in the polling units across the LGA observed by CLEEN Foundation observers, About 95% of the observers reported good conduct of security personnel at the polling units as they maintained neutrality in their conduct and resolution of incidents where they occurred, and their intervention was needed.

Arrest of Vote Buyers
CLEEN Foundation observed at polling unit 007, Ward 06 in Uhunmwode LGA, the arrest of political party vote buyers that were operating at the polling unit by officials of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). As reported by our observer, the female vote buyer was later released as she was crying and refused to enter the EFCC vehicle. However, other political party agents continued with the vote buying when the officials of EFCC left the polling unit. There were 7 Police, 3 NSCDC and one Immigration personnel at the polling unit but they turned a blind eye on the vote buyers until the EFCC arrived.

Armed Security Personnel at the Polling Unit
Over 96% of observers deployed by CLEEN Foundation observed non-armed security personnel at the polling units across the state, however a few of the observers reported the presence of Armed security personnel in isolated cases.


Deployment of Military
The ESSC noted the presence of armed military personnel at a few polling units in the state. However, they conducted themselves in an orderly manner.

Feeling of Safety at the Polling Unit
There was a general feeling of safety among voters at the polling unit. The ESSC data indicate a 90% feeling of safety by voters in the Edo state 2024 governorship election. 5% indicate a somewhat feeling of safety. Information gathered from some polling units showed an altercation between party agents on the issue of vote trading. However, the security personnel at the polling unit resolved the difference between party agents. Additionally, there were reports of attacks on voters by political thugs as documented by CLEEN observer at Edokpolo Grammar School, Ward 7. This may have contributed to the somewhat feeling of safety from voters.

Conduct of Security Personnel
The general conduct of the security personnel on election duty was rated good by the majority of CLEEN Foundation observers deployed across the 18 LGAs in Edo state. Observers noted that the security personnel at the polling units were approachable and restored order where incidents occurred except for the incidents of vote buying where they turned a blind eye until EFCC officials arrived at the polling unit.

General Observations
Vote Trading
Vote trading was observed across most of the polling units in the state during the election. For instance, at polling unit 007 (Eyean Primary School) Ward 06 in Ikpoba-Okha, PU 003 (Utantan), Ward 04 in Igueben LGA and at polling unit 007 Ward 06 in Uhunmwode LGA, CLEEN Foundation observers observed political party agents engaging in vote trading in the presence of security personnel at the polling unit without any deterrence until EFCC personnel arrived at some of the polling units. It raises the question of synergy among security agencies on election duty.
Bad Weather
The ESSC observed a significant impact of unfavourable weather in the form of heavy rainfall delaying commencement of polls in different LGAs in Edo state. CLEEN Foundation observers at polling unit 007, Ward 06 in Uhunmwode LGA reported heavy rainfall delaying voting exercise at the polling unit.
Late Commencement of Poll
There was general late commencement of polls across the state as available data showed that only 40% of polling units opened at 8:30am. CLEEN Foundation observer reported that INEC Adhoc-staff were asking for payment of their four days training allowance at 13,000 naira daily before their deployment for Election Day exercise.

INEC Adhoc Staff Non-Payment of Training Allowance
The ESSC observed INEC Adhoc staff complaining about non-payment of four days training allowance and requesting for payment before they commence the election exercise. This was observed at ward 10, Esan South East LGA.

BVAS Performance
The BVAS performed very well as most voters were easily accredited and the results are being transmitted to IREV at the time of compilation of this report. There was a reported incident of BVAS malfunctioning and being taken by INEC officials for reconfiguration in Polling unit 058, Ward 2, Oredo LGA.

IREV Performance
The ESSC observed the transmission of results from the polling units across the states to the INEC results viewing portal. A total of 2122 polling unit results had been uploaded out of 4,519 expected polling unit results at the time of compilation of this report.

Conclusion and Recommendations
The CLEEN Foundation concludes with a great commendation for the security personnel on election duty during the 2024 governorship election in Edo state, especially the Nigeria Police Force which is the lead agency on election security. Their display of professionalism has contributed to the peaceful nature of the election. Similarly, CLEEN commends the good people of Edo state for their peaceful conduct during the accreditation and voting as well as counting and announcement of results at the polling unit. As we continue to observe the final collation of results, CLEEN Foundation wishes to offer the following recommendations:

Improve Intelligence, Vigilance and Coordination: CLEEN Foundation calls on Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA) to improve vigilance, synergy and coordination of their activities in the state especially from the point of transferring polling unit results to the various layers of collation centres in the state. This is to prevent disruptions by political thugs. To ensure a peaceful and credible conclusion and outcome from the election, law enforcement agencies must maintain enhanced intelligence, vigilance and coordination throughout the election process\.

Sustained Synergy: CLEEN Foundation advocates for an enhanced synergy and support between law enforcement agencies and the Independent National Electoral Commission for a peaceful conclusion of the polls. While synergy has been commended so far, CLEEN calls on stakeholders to continue to work together throughout the remaining phases of the process.

Investigation and Prosecution of Electoral Offenders: CLEEN Foundation calls for the investigation and prosecution of electoral offenders by various agencies saddled with such responsibilities. Political thugs, vote traders and other criminals arrested during the election should be brought to book to serve as a deterrent for others as we prepare for the governorship election in Ondo State.

Integrity, Transparency and Impartiality of INEC: CLEEN Foundation calls on INEC to remain neutral and impartial as the process draws closer to completion. CLEEN advocates that INEC should refrain from negative influence from political actors, in and outside the state, to avoid jeopardising the collation process and outcome of the election.

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