The Nigerian Navy says it has observed with grave concern, the increasing number of individuals, who are not personnel of the military, especially the Nigerian Navy, donning naval uniforms and using naval accoutrements and insignia indiscriminately.

According to the Nigerian Navy, this reprehensible practice not only undermines the integrity and honor of our armed forces but also poses significant security risks.

In a statement released by the Director Of Information, Nigerian Navy Headquarters, Commodore A Adams- Aliu, it is imperative to bring to the attention of the general public that the unauthorized use of the Nigerian Navy’s uniform is a serious offence under Nigerian law. Specifically, Chapter 12, Section 110 (1) and (2) of the Criminal Code categorically states that “any person who, not being a person serving in any of the Armed Forces of Nigeria, wears the uniform or any part of the uniform of such forces, or any dress having the appearance thereof, is guilty of an offence….”

This legal provision underscores the severity of this transgression according to
Commodore Adams-Aliu.

He also emphasized that this act not merely breaches protocol but is a direct affront to the discipline and order of the Nigerian Armed Forces.

He further stated that subsequently, such unauthorized use of military uniforms and insignia would no longer be tolerated under any circumstance maintaining that the Nigerian Navy is resolute in its commitment to maintaining the sanctity of its uniforms and will take decisive action against violators.

The statement goes further to say that anyone found in breach of the irregularities, would be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

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