The first wife of well-known Nollywood actor Kazim Adeoti, Mercy Aigbe’s husband, just became a new age. On October 6, 2022, the socialite turned 48, and she posted stunning pictures on social media to mark the occasion. The popular Nigerian actress Mercy Aigbe’s co-wife, Funso, celebrated her birthday by going viral on social media with the help of several Nollywood actresses and Mercy Aigbe’s fellow actors. To the delight of her numerous followers and famous fans, Kazim Adeoti’s first wife celebrated her 48th birthday on October 6, 2022.
The socialite posted a number of gorgeous images of herself as she approached the important age milestone on her official Instagram page.
Funso donned a gorgeous yellow and white native dress in one picture, complete with coordinating headgear.
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She then accompanied the post with a sweet birthday message to herself where she showed gratitude to God.
She wrote: “I dedicate this day to the Almighty God, who has kept me, and brought me this far. I wish myself better now than ever. May God’s infinite power be upon me and grant me a life that doesn’t end with regret. Happy birthday to me.”