WAEC, which is one of Nigeria’s and, indeed, West Africa’s foremost enduring institutions has over the years remain the only colonial institution to have survived the centrifugal forces of the post-independence era in the West African sub-region.

In the third month of every year, the Council celebrates its anniversary and this coincides with the Council meeting which is being rotated amongst the five member countries, that include; Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Gambia and Liberia.

This year, 2023, the 71st Annual Council meeting is being hosted by The Gambia.

In the last 70 years, the Council has played important roles in the educational development of Nigeria and the sub-region at large, and it has made significant landmarks on the educational, economic and social landscape of the country; ensuring sustainable human capital development that has impacted positively on national development.
Dear Colleagues, as you all know, as soon as I assumed office in March 2020, the dreaded Covid-19 struck and disrupted the world activities of which Nigeria and the Council was not spared. The effect of the virus is still being felt economically and in other spheres of life.

However, the Council came out of it stronger and better.

I want to personally use this opportunity to thank our gallant WAEC staff for their dedication, commitment and loyalty to the Council through the years. Your resilience and hard work made it possible for the Council to successfully conduct the WASSCE for School and Private Candidates, in 2020, 2021 and 2022.

I wish to state that I have enjoyed a harmonious working relationship with the House Unions. As it is in every home, the father and children may have quarrels at times but that doesn’t erode the love they have for each other. Your useful suggestions and cooperation with Management are a demonstration that we are one Big Family.

Like they say, “what has a beginning must have an end”, by October 1st 2023 my tenure as Head of National Office, which started March 6, 2020 will be coming to an end. In these years, as I stated earlier, it has been marked with trials, difficulties and misconceptions, etc, but the Almighty God stood by me and has made ways to wade through the thick and thorns of this office.

How-be-it, my Administration, through the mercies of God, the backing of the Nigeria Administrative and Finance Committee, the support of the Registrar, Management and staff of the Council in Nigeria, has been able to achieve notable landmarks, amongst which are:

Building and Equipping of the WAEC Digital Security printing Press

In the last seventy (70) years, WAEC has grown in leaps and bounds, maintaining its place as a world class examination body. However, not having an own-Printing Press has left a most noticeable and regrettable gap. The protracted lock-down during the outbreak of the virulent COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020 made this gap more noticeable. Resumption of printing of codes took a different turn after the lockdown because of the new social guidelines, work hours, huge financial implication, the un-ethical attitude of one Press Houses, the limited time available to complete the printing exercise, etc. Another major headache was the storage of codes which had been printed before the lock-down. However, to the glory of God, on October 12, 2022, the WAEC Nigeria Digital Security Printing Press was commissioned and the printing of WAEC codes for WASSCE (PC) 2022 – Second Series and WASSCE (PC) 2023 – First Series were printed in-house. The In-house Press is also going to participate fully in the printing of codes for the forth coming WASSCE (SC) 2023. On the long run, we hope to turn it into a commercial outfit.
Launching of the Digital Certificate Platform (DIGICERT)
There is absolutely no doubt that WAEC Nigeria is currently experiencing a paradigm shift in the quality of its service delivery. The digitalization of WAEC products and services is by far one of the greatest achievements of this administration. The recent launch of the WAEC Digital Certificate Platform which allows candidates, who have sat WASSCE examination between 1999 to date to access, confirm and share their lost, burnt, damaged certificates and recover examination numbers directly from the WAEC data-base, is one of such achievements. The platform is currently being accessed by users around the world and very soon, WAEC in the other member countries will come on-board.
Introduction of Education Statistics Platform (EDUSTAT)
Similarly, academic researchers, government officials, schools, funding agencies or parents can now have direct access to a variety of rich, interactive, educational assessment statistics from the WAEC Educational Statistics Portal ( EDUSAT), The platform holds sophisticated features that allow users to access and download already prepared statistical data, specifically tailored to the user’s needs. Users can generate this date as graphs, summaries, tables and interactive dashboard for intelligent research and informed decision-making with just a few clicks.
Introduction of WAEC Request Management System/CHATBOT an online platform that allows all WAEC stakeholders to have access to seamless free flow of interaction and get accurate information from the Council.
Introduction of Centre Locator: This allows users and visitors to track WAEC schools/centres and get geo-location information for monitoring during the conduct of WASSCE and other operations.
Post Examination Department Online System: This portal enables staff and stakeholders to capture malpractice cases during the conduct of WASSCE for School Candidates and \Private Candidates on the go.

Implementation of the e-Certman:
Of course, this has been in existence since 2018 but it has been made more robust and all-encompassing. Candidates can pick up their certificates at any choice location.

Completion of Ultra-Modern WAEC Office Complex, Jalingo, Taraba State:
This office complex was started by my predecessor and completed by my administration. It has since 2021 been equipped and put to use.

Deployment of ‘WAEC VERIFY’. This enables Universities and other Higher Institutions to verify candidate’s results online directly from the WAEC database.

Rebuilding of the burnt/vandalized Calabar Branch Office:
The Calabar Office was consumed by EndSARS protest in 2021. To the glory of God, we successfully rebuilt and re-equipped it for use.

Deflation of the Pension Fund through sale of moribund property, as said earlier above. This has substantially kept the fund a-float.

Proposed WAEC e-Library: That with expose students and candidates to WAEC study materials – Coming soon.

WAEC Questions & Answer Booklet – Coming soon.
This booklet will be sold to all interested stakeholders and it is expected to generate some funds for the Council.

Dear colleague, without your cooperation, these achievements wouldn’t have been possible. Therefore, I assure you that in the remaining days of my being Head of National Office, Management will continue to be favourably disposed to consultations with in House Unions for the progress and harmony of the Council. I implore us all to embrace peace and dialogue in resolving all issues as the weapon of confrontation as a bargaining strategy has since become anachronistic. We must join hands together to move WAEC forward. Remember, we are all members of the same BIG FAMILY.

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