Lagos State Deputy Governor, Dr. Kadri Obafemi Hamzat has urged Nigerians to desist from complaining but help in providing solutions to national issues to collectively build the Nigeria of our dream.

The Deputy Governor, gave this admonition in his remarks at the Ansar-ud-Deen Society of Nigeria Centenary Dinner held on Thursday, at Balmoral Convention Centre, Sheraton Ikeja.

Hamzat noted that nations are built by people who solve problems and not those who complain. He stressed further that if there are problems, the people should attempt to solve them and focus on the progress of the Country.

Emphasizing that Islam tasked every Muslim to be Problem Solvers because so long as humanity is in existence, there will be problems. Our forefathers came together to solve problems and it worked for them.

He also charged the Muslim faithful to sensitize non-Muslims so that they will understand the beauty of the religion.

According to him, “The gift and beauty of Islam has not been shared, we don’t even share it among ourselves not to talk of sharing it with outsiders”.

He therefore tasked Muslims to ensure that the religion is open to non-Muslims saying, “Let non-Muslims know about Islam to build peace, unity and religious tolerance.

Speaking further, the Deputy Governor reiterated that Muslims should open the mosques and invite non-Muslims to come in to understand what Islam is all about, saying, “We should let them appreciate the beauty of Islam”.

Citing the Bahrain example, Dr. Hamzat said that the Muslims in the country practice their religion openly as they open the mosque and allow non-Muslims to come.

He then asked, “how do we come together as a people if we are not united”?

Earlier in his Welcome Address National President Ansar-ud-Deen Society of Nigeria, Aare Dr. Abdul Rafiu Ademola Sanni stated that the contribution of the Society for the past century can never be underestimated.

The President added that the society can boast of the increased spread of primary and post-primary Schools across Nigeria, a feat, he said, has culminated in the establishment of Summit University in 2016, and its grant of Permanent Operational License in 2019.

Sanni said, since the establishment of our society in 1923, we have continued to have successive generations of Ansars, who have taken it as a point of responsibility to keep the flag flying, and raising the ‘bar’ of performance to date.

“Equally we have also witnessed the increased spread of the society’s presence not only in Nigeria but across selected West African States, Europe and North America.” He concluded.

Aare Sanni disclosed that as part of activities to mark the society’s centenary, a series of events/activities were held and projects commissioned on a statewide basis and in the Diaspora branches.

He further pledged that under his leadership, the society will sustain the founding fathers’ vision and ensure it provides improved and better service delivery in the near future, with a clear-cut trajectory for the next century.

In his remarks, the Chairman of the Occasion, Mr. Fola Adeola congratulated and rejoiced with the Society on the Centenary celebration describing it as a great feat for Muslims in the country.

While applauding members for the growth of the society over the years, he charged members to continue to push the society forward in attaining the lofty goals and objectives of the founding fathers in setting up the society.

Highlights of the event were the presentation of recognition awards to families of founding members, distinguished selected members, other eminent Muslims, and corporate bodies for their Contributions towards the overall development of Ansar-ud-Deen over the last Century.


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