Health Garde International, a leading expert that promotes the wellness of the body and mind with their products that are widely used and certified by people and agencies in the country, has held an enlightenment campaign at their corporate head office in Lagos.

The event saw a huge turnout of their members who are also marketers of the fast moving consumer product. They came out in droves, mostly in the official colours and uniform of the company.

The session was filled with different level marketers giving accounts of the use of their products ranging from body care products, to drugs and ingestables used to treat different degrees of ailments.

They’re were many first hand accounts that proved the efficacy of their non synthetic organic range of products.

There was also a pep talk from the Chief Operating Officer of Health Garde International, Lovelyn Bassey. She spoke of the origins of the company, its’ inception and how in a period of thirty two years, they have advanced from a small direct mid level sales outfit to an international conglomerate that is headquartered in Lagos and distribution centres in five regions of Nigeria. Healthgarde International as the name states, Is spread out over Africa.

More activities at the event included testimonies of products giving a true wellness experience and marketers who have received massive incentives and incomes for being on the platform. There were also lucky draw rewards, travel bonuses for members on the “On track” and the ” You Can Do It” levels.

The high point of the event was the reward to loyal consultants on the platform, several cars for their efforts and dedication to the firm.

The winners include Ebere Obodozie, Fatima Salihu,Benedicta Nworgu, Mariam Oboh, Benita Okonkwo and Sherifat Abdulsalam.

The winners who were elated on this reward of loyalty, say that it is also a source of motivation to other level holders in the chain of distribution to strive harder for more success.

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