By Mike Osemeke

The President of the Nigerian Senate, Ahmad Lawan says the federal government remains committed to delivering democratic dividends in the six geopolitical zones in the country.

Lawan who disclosed this during his courtesy visit to governor Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq of Kwara State at the Government House Ilorin , noted that the 9th Assembly remain proud of President Mohammadu Buhari for his policies on equitable distribution of infrastructure development in Nigeria irrespective of political affiliations .

The President of the Senate, Ahmad Lawan maintained that democracy has finally gained root in Nigeria given the level of infrastructure development since the coming of the present administration in 2015.

Kwara State Governor, Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq while commending the federal government on it’s developmental strides said the ongoing construction and dualization of the Ilorin-Kabba and Ilorin-Jebba roads is a sign of a federal government that has the interest of the people at the centre of policy formulation.

The senate president had earlier visited the Senator representing Kwara north senatorial district in the red chambers before departing the state.

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