A huge amount of petroleum products was stalled from being siphoned by the timely intervention of the joint patrol of the NNS BEECROFT and Maritime Component of Operation AWATSE in an outstanding display of dedication to safeguard national interest and protection of critical infrastructure.

The NNS BEECROFT patrol team, led by the Commander NNS BEECROFT, Commodore Kolawole Olumide Oguntuga, has once again displayed unwavering commitment in eradicating pipeline vandalism by harnessing technology and Human Intelligence (HUMINT) for operational efficiency.

The innovative approach has proven to be a game-changer, resulting in a remarkable increase in the team’s ability to detect and deter criminal activities along the NNPCL pipeline.

On the 1st of November 2023, about 11:45pm between ATLAS COVE and Ijegun in Lagos State,the NNS BEECROFT patrol team swiftly responded to credible HUMINT, which led to the discovery of two punctured points along the NNPCL pipeline.

These points were the source of the petroleum products being used by saboteurs to connect hoses and pumping machines to siphon huge quantities of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS), conveyed along the pipeline, posing significant threat to the nation’s products availability as well as economic well-being of Nigerians.

This commendable action by the Naval team assures the economic stability of the nation, availability of the petroleum products to Nigerians and also significantly avoiding outbreak of catastrophic fires that with attendant consequences on life and property.

Following discovery of these punctured points, the NNPCL has been alerted, and immediate repairs are underway to stall further losses.
Simultaneously, efforts are ongoing to detect and rectify other potential vulnerabilities along the pipeline, ensuring a comprehensive approach to deter future illicit activities.

The Nigerian Navy is proud to be at the forefront of combating pipeline vandalism, ensuring a safer and more prosperous Nigeria, under the leadership of Vice Admiral EI Ogalla, the Chief of Naval Staff, remains steadfast in its commitment to safeguarding Nigeria’s maritime domain and fostering economic prosperity for our beloved nation.

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