An international people’s enhancement organization in Babalpur, Dasarathpur block of Jajpur district “,The Chinmaya Foundation” has been providing relief, Covid-19 Kit, awareness and services to the people for 903 days continuously to destroy the epidemic corona from all over the world. This work has been going on since March 22, 2020 to provide food to the hungry, reassurance to the poor and helpless, and awareness to the unconscious. A review meeting of the program is held every 25 days in order to spread the awareness, Corona kit and relief distribution work and prepare new methods. In this context, the 36th review meeting of the 900th day has been held in the premises of Dolphin Dance School and Group in Mangalpur. In this review meeting held under the chairmanship of the founder chairman of the foundation Mr. Chinmaya Dash, where as awareness program coordinator Master Mihir Kumar, Children’s writer and journalist Mr. Dhirendra Kumar Mallik, Social worker and year-round educationist Dhiru Bhai, Social worker Srikrishna Patra participated as reviewer and reviewed various aspects of the 900-day uninterrupted program. Similarly, a review meeting of the second phase was held in the evening at Dihuria in Kendrapada District. Mr. Anant Kumar Mallik, Master Shakti, Master Pintu and others participated in it as commentators.

The epidemic corona has not been completely eradicated from the whole world. According to the data of the Government of India, India recorded 5,554 new cases of the novel coronavirus in the past 24 hours. According to the data shared by the Union Health Ministry on Saturday (10th September 2022 ), the total recovery rate reached at around 98.70 per cent and total recoveries data reached to 4,39,13,294.

The total active cases of COVID-19 in India have decreased to 48,850, the health ministry data showed today. Yesterday, the registered active cases were 49,636.

A decrease of 786 cases has been recorded in the active COVID-19 caseload in a span of 24 hours. The active cases comprise 0.11 per cent of the total infections, the ministry said.

The total death toll in the country is now at 5,28,139. In India, the first death due to the COVID pandemic was reported in March 2020.

The daily positivity rate on September 10 was recorded 1.47 per cent.

Although the rate in India is low compared to other countries, it is slowly starting to increase. So much awareness is needed. Chairman of the foundation Mr. Chinmaya Dash said that “this awareness, Corona kit distribution program will continue and relief materials and other services will be provided to the poor, destitute, insane, orphan people’s, old-age people’s etc.

Similarly, under the instructions of the founder chairman of the foundation Mr.Chinmaya Dash, awareness, kit and relief distribution program has been conducted from 897 to 903 (129th weekly program from Sunday to Saturday) in the districts of West Odisha including Kalahandi, Koraput, Nabarangpur, Nuapada, Rayagada, Sambalpur including Jajpur, Bhadrak, Kendrapada & Dhenkanal District. Under the leadership of West Odisha program coordinator Mr.Kamal Chandi, the volunteers of the foundation Mr. Durbal Majhi, Nikunj Chandi, Pacha Majhi,. Kanesawar Patel, Madhaba Nag, Giridgar Majhi, Damudhar Ghi, Jabra Ghi, Ratnakara Nag, Damru Dhar Nag, Kasti Bhaisal, Raja Kharsel, Hari banuaa,
Baldev Sabar, Padunav Majhi, Madhaba Bag, Sadhasibah Bag, Ramesh Bhaisal, Vidya Chandi, Bala Chandi, Ganjindra Bhaisal,Padu lochan Bhaisal, Sunadhar Bhaisal, Prabhas Chandi are aware to the people through Ghumura, Khanjani and various other cultural awareness programs raised awareness about the epidemic corona. In various districts of South Odisha, under the leadership of the program coordinator Master Mihir Kumar, Barsarani Majhi, Shashikant Panda, Nilima Mallik, Pujarani Behuria and others went around the various districts and distributed masks, soap, sanitizer, ORS, hand gloves to the poor, helpless, It has been seen providing cooked and dry food, clothes, rations to slum dwellers and elderly, books, accounts and financial assistance to orphans etc.

Distribution of pal, halogen tablets, distribution of fenyl and bleaching, food, clothing, rations and financial assistance were provided in the floodplains of Bhadrak, Jajpur and Kendrapada districts.

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